Fibonacci roulette strategy

The Fibonacci roulette strategy is among the best-known systems for playing roulette. The advantage of this strategy is that it is considered low risk, and suitable for casual players with a smaller bankroll, making it a potential alternative to Martingale. It’s also very simple to follow, as all you have to do is go by the sequence 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13….

It’s a maths sequence that was developed by an Italian mathematician of the same name. The Fibonacci strategy can be used in many online casino table games, but it’s most commonly applied in roulette and live roulette games.

How the Fibonacci roulette strategy works in practice

The Fibonacci betting system requires you to move to the next number in the sequence when you lose and take two steps back when you win. Let’s look at an example to get a better understanding of what it means in practical terms:

Bet £1.00 – lose Bet £2.00 – lose Bet £3.00 – lose Bet £5.00 – win Bet £2.00 – lose…

In the Fibonacci sequence, each number is the sum of the two previous numbers. Naturally, the 0 bet doesn’t count when betting with this system, but you don’t necessarily have to start at 1. Instead, you can begin at any point in the sequence, depending on your preference and budget.

History of the Fibonacci strategy in roulette

The Fibonacci sequence originated in the 13th century and was created by the Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, whose nickname was Fibonacci. It can be applied to various fields, from designing computer algorithms to modelling biological systems – so it is quite versatile!

It is unclear when the Fibonacci sequence was first applied to roulette, but gamblers have always been searching for the perfect formula to maximise the outcomes of their bets. The Fibonacci sequence does this by adjusting bet amounts based on previous outcomes.

Using the Fibonacci strategy in roulette – even-money play

The Fibonacci betting technique works best on even-money bets. These bets include red/black, even/odd, and 1-18/19-36, and they pay 1:1. They are considered safer than other types of roulette bets as the odds are more favourable for the player.

The table below provides an example of the Fibonacci roulette strategy in action, covering the stake, outcome and profit over a series of red/black bets.

The reason why other bet types are considered riskier is that they are more volatile and have more chances to lose than to win. Even-money bets, on the other hand, have almost a 50-50 win-loss ratio. In the example above, winning just two out of the 10 bets still results in an overall profit for the player.

RoundRed/black betOutcomeProfit/loss

The idea behind the Fibonacci strategy in roulette

Fibonacci is a negative progression betting technique like Martingale, where you increase your bets when you lose and decrease them when you win. The idea is to pile up losses in order to build up to a potentially huge win.

In theory, this helps to not only limit loses but also to still come out with a profit. However, players need to keep in mind that no strategy can guarantee a win, and that there is always the risk of losing money when playing.

How the Fibonacci roulette strategy works in a losing streak

This strategy is built on the fact that even-money bets have an almost equal probability of winning and losing. The theory is that you shouldn’t go more than a couple of bets without winning something. However, roulette is a completely random game, so it’s always possible to keep losing consistently. Here’s a scenario illustrated below:

RoundEven/odd betOutcomeProfit/loss

Variations of the Fibonacci roulette strategy – the reverse Fibonacci

The reverse Fibonacci is a variation of this betting system and uses a positive progression instead of a negative progression. This means that with the reverse Fibonacci, you increase your bets when you win and decrease them when you lose.

Reverse Fibonacci can maximise winnings on winning streaks. However, when the streak ends and you lose on a big bet, you’ll take a huge loss. Regular Fibonacci is a safer strategy because by building up your losses, it can lead to a potentially big win.

Pros and cons of the roulette Fibonacci strategy

As with all strategies, there are advantages and disadvantages. Consider these carefully before deciding whether this method fits your playing style and budget:


Easy to use – There’s no complex maths behind this strategy. You simply follow the sequence to know the next bet to place. Relatively low risk – The progression here isn’t as drastic as Martingale, which requires you to double your bets. Flexible betting – Depending on your bankroll, you can decide where to start betting. You can start from the 1 or begin from higher bets if you prefer.


No guarantee – There’s no betting strategy that’s foolproof. You can still lose if you experience a long losing streak that dries up your bankroll. Table limits – Your bets can grow to large amounts when using this strategy. This means that the strategy may be hindered by the maximum betting limit. Not for the long run – The casino always wins in the long run. So, the longer you play with this strategy, the more likely you will lose. This is when safe gambling practices help you to manage your budget.

Fibonacci Strategy FAQS

When using this betting system, you should place even-money bets, which have a 50% chance of winning. These include red/black, even/odd, and 1-18/19-36 (high/low) bets.

The Fibonacci sequence is endless, so there’s no maximum amount. However, roulette tables have maximum betting limits, which determine how much you can bet in the game.

The Fibonacci roulette strategy can be a low-risk and profitable way to play this game. Usually, you only need a few wins to take home a profit. However, keep in mind that the longer you play, the higher the risk of big losses.

Yes, you can use the Fibonacci betting system when playing roulette at a casino. It is one of the most commonly used strategies in roulette.

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